Scala-Wisell International Inc.
Package size, 20 oz, 25 oz , 50 oz.
With little nut-like bits of toasted coconut, Our Sweet Toasted Desiccated Coconut has an exceptional taste & mouthfeel/texture that makes it one of the most versatile ingredients with a broad range of applications. It can be used in bakery, confectionary, cereal, Granola/ energy bar, yoghurt & ice cream industries. A must try over a scoop of vanilla ice cream, its crunchiness & toasted flavour is bound to have anyone reaching for more.
Product Information:
Sweet Toasted Desiccated Coconut are the shredded, dried, sweetened and toasted white meat of fresh and matured coconuts. It has a sweet, natural, toasted flavour with the wonderful aroma of coconuts. Filled with natural goodness, coconut is a rich source of dietary fiber that helps digestion and also contains protein.